There are billions of websites on the internet that are safe and freely accessible, but it’s possible for your kids to be curious enough to search the deep or dark web. Deep web games or deep internet music might draw younger children, while drugs, weapons, and dark web images might draw the interest of older children.

It’s hard to be sure what they’re accessing, but the first thing you should do to protect your children is to check their devices. Search for:
  1. Tor.com ( The Onion Router )
  2. Subgraph OS
  3. ISP (Invisible Internet Project)
  4. Tails
  5. Opera
  6. Whonix
  7. Waterfox

Also, articles with “.Onion” in the ”http” belong to the dark web. You won’t be able to look at their search history in these browsers, though you can on the surface web. The next thing you should do is talk to your children about their curiosity.

Mysterious things are intrinsically alluring. Also, as more people access the dark web,  the more of a talking point it becomes. As it becomes a popular topic, the interest rises, especially for children.

To further protect your children, you can install monitoring software and content filtering. These tools allow you to control what they have access to online. You’re able to block sites, filter content using keywords, and monitor what they’re searching for. This ensures they don’t stumble  on things that may be harmful or dangerous. As the internet becomes more intertwined with our lives, it can also become more dangerous. Protections like GoGuardian monitoring and web filtering software are the solution. Keep your children safe with GoGuardian.

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