The dark web is a part of the internet that isn’t found by normal search engines because the sites located there are not indexed into search engines. While the dark web holds some dark and illegal things, not everything there is illegal. However, it’s not all innocent content. In 2015, approximately 57% of the sites on the dark web hosted illicit material. A more recent study (2019), Into the Web of Profit, shows that 60% of the deep web could harm enterprises and that excludes sites with drug activity. 

  • What’s on the dark web

The dark web consists mostly of illegal products or content. Some of this may be harmful to the public or companies. Some of those harmful things include credit card numbers, guns, and stolen subscriptions. There is even software that makes it possible for you to remotely access the computers of others.

There’s also access to counterfeit money, other people’s bank accounts, and hackers for hire. Other items found on the dark web include:

  1. Drugs
  2. Unlicensed guns
  3. Fake IDs
  4. Hacking tools
  5. Stolen credit cards
  6. Forums for things that don’t have a place on the regular web
  7. Pornography

It’s a place for black markets and scammers who will often use these sites to steal your info or money.

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