The Onion Routing program is made up of projects researching, designing, building, and analyzing anonymous communications systems. The focus is on practical systems for low-latency Internet-based connections that resist traffic analysis, eavesdropping, and other attacks both by outsiders (e.g. Internet routers) and insiders (Onion Routing servers themselves). Onion Routing prevents the transport medium from knowing who is communicating with whom -- the network knows only that communication is taking place. In addition, the content of the communication is hidden from eavesdroppers up to the point where the traffic leaves the OR network.
  • Tor: Generation 2 Onion Routing
The latest Onion Routing system is freely available and runs on most common operating systems. There is a Tor network of several hundred nodes, processing traffic from hundreds of thousands of unknown users. (The protection afforded by the system makes it difficult to determine the number of users or application connections.) Exact current and historical number of Tor nodes and global traffic volume processed are graphically depicted here. The code and documentation is available under a free license. Check out the Tor site for more details and instructions for running Tor.

The protection of Onion Routing is independent of whether the identity of the initiator of a connection (the sender) is hidden from the responder of the connection, or vice versa. The sender and receiver may wish to identify and even authenticate to each other, but do not wish others to know that they are communicating. The sender may wish to be hidden from the responder. There are many ways that a web server can deduce the identity of a client who visits it; several test sites can be used to demonstrate this. A filtering proxy can be used to reduce the threat of identifying information from a client reaching a server. Onion Routing currently makes use of the Privoxy filter for this purpose.
  • Hidden Services
Web services and other services are subject to Distributed Denial of Service and even potential physical attack. But if the logical and physical location of a service is hidden, then it can resist such attacks, even from those with authorized access to the service. Providing hidden services and rendezvous points have been part of Onion Routing since the beginning. See the papers "Hiding Routing Information", and "Protocols using Anonymous Connections: Mobile Applications", as well as these slides.

The Tor design includes an improved approach to rendezvous points and hidden services. (See "Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router" or these slides for a description of how they work.) Hidden services have been deployed for the first time using Tor network. The hidden wiki includes a list of some hidden services and related information. (A running Tor client and a proxy like Privoxy is necessary to access the hidden wiki.) Analysis of the security of hidden servers, including both design improvements to more robustly hide services and the first published intersection attack actually conducted on a deployed anonymity network, is described in "Locating Hidden Servers". Design suggestions to improve QoS and DoS-resistance of Hidden Services are described in "Valet Services: Improving Hidden Servers with a Personal Touch".
  • The Problem
Letters sent through the Post Office are usually in an envelope marked with the sender's and recipient's addresses. We trust that the Post Office does not peek inside the envelope, because we consider the contents private. We also trust that the Post Office does not monitor who sends mail to whom, because that information is also considered private.

These two types of sensitive information, the contents of an envelope and its address, apply equally well to electronic communication over the Internet and the Web. As the Web becomes an important part of modern day communication and electronic commerce, protecting the privacy of electronic messages becomes increasingly important. Just like mail, electronic messages travel in electronic envelopes. Protecting the privacy of electronic messages requires both safeguarding the contents of their envelopes and hiding the addresses on their envelopes. Although communicating parties usually identify themselves to one another, there is no reason that the use of a public network like the Internet ought to reveal to others who is talking to whom and what they are talking about. The first concern is traffic analysis, the latter is eavesdropping.

By making both eavesdropping and traffic analysis hard, the privacy of communication is protected. But what about anonymity? Can two parties communicate, if one or both do not want to be identified to the other? If a Web surfer wants to buy something using the electronic equivalent of (untraceable) cash how could that e-cash be moved through the Web without identifying the purchaser?

If an electronic envelope keeps its contents private, and the address on the envelope is also hidden, then any identifying information can only be inside the envelope! So for anonymous communication, we also remove identifying information from the contents of an envelope. This may be called anonymizing a private envelope.

These goals may appear to be incompatible: Can the contents of an envelope really be kept private? How can a letter reach its destination if its address is hidden? Can two parties communicate without revealing their identities to one another? Can all this be done without trusting third parties (the Post Office, for example) not to remember addresses or to open envelopes?

The next sections briefly describe the onion routing system, how the anonymous connections that it provides are secure against both eavesdropping and traffic analysis, and how they may be used for anonymous communication too.
  • Onion Routing
Traffic analysis can be used to infer who is talking to whom over a public network. For example, in a packet switched network like the Internet, packets have a header used for routing, and a payload that carries the data. The header, which must be visible to the network (and to observers of the network), reveals the source and destination of the packet. Even if the header were obscured in some way, the packet could still be tracked as it moves through the network. Encrypting the payload is similarly ineffective, because the goal of traffic analysis is to identify who is talking to whom and not (to identify directly) the content of that conversation.

Onion routing protects against traffic analysis attacks from both the network and observers. Onion routing works in the following way: The initiating application, instead of making a connection directly to a responding server, makes a connection to the appropriate onion routing proxy on some remote machine. That onion routing proxy builds an anonymous connection through several other onion routers to the destination. Each onion router can only identify adjacent onion routers along the route. When the connection is broken, even this limited information about the connection is cleared at each onion router. Data passed along the anonymous connection appears different at and to each onion router, so data cannot be tracked en route and compromised onion routers cannot cooperate. An onion routing network can exist in several configurations that permit efficient use by both large institutions and individuals.

The onion routing proxy defines a route through the onion routing network by constructing a layered data structure called an onion and sending that onion through the onion routing network. Each layer of the onion defines the next hop in a route. An onion router that receives an onion peels off its layer, reads from that layer the name of the next hop and the cryptographic information associated with its hop in the anonymous connection, pads the embedded onion to some constant size, and sends the padded onion to the next onion router.

Before sending data over an anonymous connection, the initiator's onion routing proxy adds a layer of encryption for each onion router in the route. As data moves through the private connection, each onion router removes one layer of encryption, so it finally arrives as plaintext. This layering occurs in the reverse order for data moving back to the initiator. So data that has passed backward through the anonymous connection must be repeatedly decrypted to obtain the plaintext.

The last onion router forwards data to another type of proxy on the same machine, called the responder's proxy, whose job is to pass data between the onion network and the responding server.

For instructions on how to use our onion routing prototype, please visit the onion routing web site.

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