The deep web includes all non-public information such as:
  1. Text messages
  2. Emails
  3. Personal banking
  4. Personalized Netflix account
  5. Blogging administrator pages
Anything that requires a login, such as databases or personal information is part of the deep net. That’s because these pages aren’t indexed to show up in a search engine. You can’t search for your personal bank account on Google. You can only go to the main banking page and then log in. The deep web is everything behind the login. The deep web is also a space for journalists and whistleblowers to share sensitive information anonymously.

The dark web, or black web, on the other hand, is the “unsavory” part of the deep web. Access to the dark web is only possible with specific browsers, such as Tor, because most platforms establish an anonymous connection and mask IP addresses.

Not everything on the dark web is illegal. There’s  a large reading community on the dark web, but the material can be anything from the Invisible Man to The Anarchist Cookbook. However, there are several black markets on the dark web, the largest being The Silk Road, which authorities shut down with the arrest of creator Ross Ulbricht in 2013.

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