Sections 1
Collaboration and Teamwork
Sections 2
Communities of Practice (CoPs), Enterprise Social Networks (ESNs), and Discussion Forums
Sections 3
Community Management

Section 1: Questions about Collaboration and Teamwork

  1. What is the best way to encourage organizations to collaborate?
  2. How is collaboration important in the workplace?
  3. What motivates you to collaborate with others?
  4. What are some team-building ideas in the workplace?
  5. What are some frameworks, methods or tips that help us to have an effective team discussion?
  6. What are the best workshops for teamwork?
  7. What are some workshop exercises to find opportunities for collaboration?
  8. What collaboration tools should I use to make my virtual team more effective?
  9. How do you manage distributed teams? What methodologies do you use? What tools?
  10. What are examples of extremely simple online collaboration tools?
  11. What is essential for productive teamwork?
  12. How can knowledge be shared using virtual groups?; How do you build people-to-people networks for knowledge sharing using discussion forums?
  13. How do organizations win by working together?

  1. What are the characteristics of a community?
  2. Why do people join communities?
  3. Why are communities needed?
  4. What are the best features of current Enterprise Social Networks?
  5. What are the best use cases for Yammer?
  6. What are the three most important things when implementing a social intranet in a company?
  7. What is community participation?
  8. What are typical problems in a community?
  9. How does one create an online forum?
  10. What are some creative and effective ways to build online community websites?
  11. What is the difference between a community and an organization?
  12. What is the difference between a community of practice and a social network?
  13. What makes a great community?
  14. What makes for a successful community of practice?
  15. What does a community need?
  16. How do I form a CoP and avoid the pitfalls?
  17. What does “community” mean to you?
  18. What are discussion forums?
  19. What makes Communities of Practice work?
  20. How do you build and maintain successful communities?
  21. What are some proven practices for online discussion forums?
  22. Is there a manual for the care and feeding of communities?
  23. What ways exist to help CoPs deal with competition and ego among members?
  24. What are some good articles on communities of practice?
  25. What are some useful articles about Communities of Practice?
  26. What can I read about Communities of Practice?
  27. What are the top ten desired elements for community member profiles?
  28. How many opportunities for improvement are missed simply because one employee’s knowledge was never shared?
  29. How can I change the terminology “Communities of Practice” to something else?
  30. How can CoPs create learning environments for educators?
  31. How can narrative techniques help with CoPs in ways that command-and-control approaches can’t?
  32. What are the pros and cons of organizing communities by technical skill versus product group?
Why should there be at least 100 people in a CoP?

Section 3: Questions about Community Management
  1. What are the biggest challenges you face as a community manager? How is community management evolving? What’s the best part of the job?
  2. What are some of the best community management conferences to attend?
  3. What is community management?
  4. Where can I find good online community management courses?
  5. How do I vet the new members in a digital community of professionals?
  6. How can community participation be enhanced?
  7. How do online communities fight spam?
  8. What are the keys to creating a movement, tribe, or social community online?
  9. What are the fundamentals of building a community or culture?
  10. What are the most common mistakes made by community managers?
  11. What are the most essential resources for someone starting communities of practice?
  12. Do Enterprises Have the Patience to Develop Communities?
  13. What are the types of community & online facilitation?
  14. What is community leadership?
  15. Are you able to automate the collection of community metrics?
  16. What are the 10 steps to start a community?
  17. What are good ways to publicize a community?
  18. How can you avoid a CoP mid-life crisis?
  19. How can CoPs be sustained?
  20. Is it standard practice for CoPs to have a core team to perform governance?

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