The good beginning makes the good ending, so it goes without saying that choosing a system and style of management smart is the key to success when developing software. These days there are tons of approaches each having its pluses and minuses.

It is essential to choose the smart strategy at the very beginning as well as defining your goals, objectives, budget and deadlines. That is why, we have investigated the issue to provide you with the ultimate guide on what methodology to use.

History Of Software Development Methodologies
It all began in 1950s and keeps on evolving, new approaches appearing until today. To put it shortly, throughout every decade, a particular methodology was supposed to best suit the needs of the time and perfect apt to solve the problems of the then days. Every new system was meant to make the development more productive and boost the desired results.

Types Of Software Development Methodologies
So what is the software development procedure all about? It has to do with dividing the working process into various stages, as well as delegating various task among different employees. What is more, it presupposes taking some specific approach to organizing and optimizing the whole development process and managing the team work. That is why, there are various types of methodologies aimed at improving SDLC. So here are the top ones we are going to examine.

Software Development Methodologies List
In the list below we have presented 12 most common methodologies, the gist of every approach, their advantages and disadvantages.
To reach the desired results throughout the developing procedure it is essential to choose a suitable and appropriate approach first. Don’t hesitate to dedicate time and energy to define your goals and objectives, estimate your budget and set the time limits. It will help you understand which method to turn to if you want to succeed. 

It goes without saying that nothing works 100%. Every system has its benefits and drawbacks that need to be taken into consideration. For this reason, be careful and scrutinize each and every methodology before selecting one. Hope this article was of great help and now you feel more confident what type of approach will be just right for your team. 

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