The internet has changed human life forever. It changed our schools, our homes, our marriages, and our workplaces. In fact, there are jobs and entire industries that operate solely on the internet. Schools, now more than ever, are using the internet to broaden their horizons. They’re connecting with other schools around the world, using international resources, playing new games, and more. While these are tremendous benefits, they also present some enormous challenges. One of the largest concerns is what might happen if kids find a way onto the deep web.

Most of what we know about the deep web is that it’s bad, creepy, and dangerous. Naturally, we want to keep our children away from this. But what happens if they’re curious? What happens if they’re led by a friend to one of the many horror games found on the dark web? What if they accidentally stumble onto something they shouldn’t? You’ll find everything you need to know about the dark web, deep web, and Tor Browser below.

  • Deep Web
The deep web simply refers to the pages on the internet that are not indexed in search engines. In other words, you can’t find them when you perform a search within a search engine like Google. This means you have to know the exact address to the site to access it. The only other way to access a deep web site is to click on a link once you are inside the deep web.

here are legitimate areas of the deep web, including mainstream sites like Netflix. That’s because websites are personalized to users' preferences and aren’t always indexed.

  • What’s on the deep web
The deep web includes the internal sites of companies, organizations, and schools. Online databases and password-protected sites may be on the deep web in addition to personal accounts for banking, email, and more. Essentially, most personalized and password-protected sites appear on the deep web because they contain information that is not for release to the general public.

  • how deep is the deep web
In 2001, they estimated the deep web to be around 400 to 550 times as big as the surface web which contains 4.5 billion sites. The deep web is the 99% of the internet that you can’t search on a search engine.

What is the Dark Web

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