A Content Management System (CMS) is an application that enables you to publish and manage content on the web in an intuitive fashion. For example, imagine that you had a text editor (like Notepad or TextEdit) that enabled you to publish articles directly to a website you own.

That would be a very basic example of a CMS. Of course, these days most of the best CMS options help you do a lot more than that. They enable you to index your content, make changes to it, format it using visual editors, and more.

It’s easy to confuse a CMS with a website builder. The latter is a kind of tool focused on helping you create websites without any coding knowledge. Usually, they accomplish this by providing you with access to a visual drag-and-drop editor. However, they tend to be a lot simpler, offering few customization options and little control over the way your site is set up.

A CMS, on the other hand, used to be more difficult to pick up and use without any technical knowledge. However, nowadays the best CMS options provide you with plenty of tools to help you design and create modern websites.

This type of CMS is basically a one-stop solution for creating websites and managing their content. Depending on what CMS you use, you might also get access to additional features that you can install using ‘plugins’ or ‘extensions’. However, we’ll talk more about that shortly.

What You Can Create Using a CMS Platform
A lot of people think that CMSs are just for blogging. It’s true that some of the best CMS platforms were originally built with blogging in mind. However, a lot of them have evolved to the point where they’re now highly customizable. WordPress, for example, powers around 30% of the entire web.

The truth is that CMSs these days are so flexible that you can use them for almost any type of project you want. However, they’re ideal for websites built around content creation and sharing. That means you can use them to create simple blogs, tutorial websites, portfolios, news sites, and more. With the right tools, you can even tackle more advanced web projects using a CMS, such as online stores, private membership sites,

In a moment, we’re going to introduce you to some of the best CMS options available today.

Best CMS Options 
There’s a lot of variety among the CMS options we’ve handpicked for you here. However, they all have one thing in common – they’re all open source and available to install in 1-click on Hostinger! That means you won’t need to spend a dime to download and try each one out. Find the best CMS with all in one web hosting plans.

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