Look through 64 acronyms and abbreviations related to Austria:

  1. 040 Austria
  2. a3 Austrian Advanced Automotive Technology
  3. AAA Aviation Academy Austria
  4. AAC Austrian Academy Corpus
  5. AAC Austrian Academy Corporations
  6. AAS Austrian Academy of Sciences
  7. AAS-CEE Austrian Academy of Sciences - Central and Eastern European Scholarship
  8. ABA Austrian Business Agency
  9. ABC Austrian Bioenergy Centre
  10. ABCSG Austrian Breast and Colorectal Cancer Study Group
  11. ACB Austrian Convention Bureaus
  12. ACCM Austrian Center of Competences in Mechatronics
  13. ACPC Austrian Centre of Philosophy with Children
  14. ACR Austrian Cooperative Research
  15. ACTP Austrian Construction Technology Platform
  16. Ada Austrian Development Agency
  17. AEC Austrian Erotic Center
  18. AIN Austrian Institute of Navigation
  19. AIVET Austrian Institute for Virtual Education Techniques
  20. AMAS Austrian Moderate Altitude Study
  21. AMSA Austrian Medical Students Association
  22. ANET Austrian Network for eTourism
  23. ANGT Austrian Network for Gene Therapy
  24. ANT St. Anton Airport, St Anton, Austria
  25. APA Austria Presse Agentur
  26. APART Austrian Programme for Advanced Research and Technology
  27. ARC Austrian Research Centers
  28. ASI Austrian Standards Institutetute
  29. ASOCS Austrian Society for Cognitive Science
  30. ASPR Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution
  31. ASSM Austrian Society for Sexual Medicine
  32. AT Austria
  33. ATP Austrian Technology Platform
  34. ATTC Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster
  35. AU Austria
  36. AUT Austria
  37. BCCS Business Creation Center Salzburg
  38. BMI Bundesministerium für Inneres
  39. CATT Central Austrian Training in Technologies
  40. GLJ Global Jet Austria
  41. GRZ Thalerhof, Graz, Austria
  42. HOH Hohenems-Dornbirn, Hohenems / Dornbirn, Austria
  43. INN Kranebitten, Innsbruck, Austria
  44. ISN Innovation Service Network
  45. KLU Klagenfurt Airport, Klagenfurt, Austria
  46. LISA Life Science Austria
  47. LNZ Horsching, Linz, Austria
  48. LOIH Hohenems-Dornbirn, Hohenems / Dornbirn, Austria
  49. LOWG Graz, Graz, Austria
  50. LOWI Innsbruck Airport, Innsbruck, Austria
  51. Lowk Klagenfurt Airport, Klagenfurt, Austria
  52. LOWL Linz, Linz, Austria
  53. Lows Salzburg Airport, Salzburg, Austria
  54. Loww Vienna International Airport, Vienna, Austria
  55. MCL Materials Center Leoben
  56. QLX Lauterach Airport, Lauterach, Austria
  57. RISC Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
  58. SCCH Software Competence Center Hagenberg
  59. SNML Salzburg NewMediaLab
  60. SZG Salzburg Airport, Salzburg, Austria
  61. TILAK Tiroler Landeskrankenanstalten
  62. UAR Upper Austrian Research
  63. VDD Vienna Danubepier Hov, Vienna, Austria
  64. Vie Vienna International Airport, Vienna, Austria

see also  Austria Hungary


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