Why + do + (You, They, I) + verb?
- Why do you come here?
- Why do you wait here?
- Why do they go to market?
- Why do you run?
- Why do I call you?
- Why do I come here?
- Why do I stand here?
- Why do they invite us?
- Why do they blame you?
- Why do they play you?
- Why do you go there?
- Why do they call me?
Why + does + (He, She, It, Ram, Sita) + verb?
- Why does Ram come to your house?
- Why does he go there?
- Why does Sita go to market?
- Why does she go to post office?
- Why does she go to bank?
- Why does it be needed?
- Why does she invite us?
- Why does he blame me?
- Why does he go there?
- Why does she call me?
- Why does It take rest?
- Why does Ram go to bank?
Why + did + (He, She, It, You, They, we, Ram, Sita) + verb?
- Why did you go to market?
- Why did he call you?
- Why did he run?
- Why did Ram go to Delhi?
- Why did it stop here?
- Why did it need oil?
- Why did they come?
- Why did we arrive?
- Why did I go there?
- Why did they call you?
- Why did Juma visit Mysore?
- Why did you watch T.V?
Corresponding Answers :
- I come here to take a book.
- I wait here to meet the Manager.
- They go to market to buy vegetables
- I run to catch the bus.
- You call me to talk.
- I come here to buy soap.
- I stand here for the bus.
- They invite you for the manager.
- They blame me with out reason.
- They play for the cup.
- I go there to see my friend.
- They call me for help.
- Ram comes to my house to take his books.
- He goes there to meet his friend.
- Sita goes to market to buy vegetables.
- Six- goes to post office to buy some stamps.
- She goes to bank to withdraw money.
- It is needed for fine consuming.
- She invites us for her birthday party.
- He blames me because he hates me.
- He goes there to sec his friend.
- She calls me for help.
- It runs continuously.
- He goes to bank to deposit money.
- I went to market to buy vegetables.
- He called me to know the address.
- He ran to catch the bus.
- Ram went to Delhi to attend an interview.
- It stopped here because of break down.
- It needed oil to function.
- They come to attend the function.
- We arrived to see the tourist spot.
- I went there to see my friend.
- They called me for help.
- Juma visited Mysore to see the palace.
- I watched T.V. to see the cricket match.
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