1. Did you know unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it
  2. Did you know frogs can't swallow with their eyes open
  3. Did you know a duck can't walk without bobbing its head
  4. Did you know a crocodile can't move its tongue
  5. Did you know cats can't move their jaw sideways
  6. Did you know a crocodile can't stick out its tongue
  7. Did you know hummingbirds can't walk
  8. Did you know owls can't move their eyes from side to side
  9. Did you know emus can't walk backwards
  10. Did you know whales can't swim backwards
  11. Did you know giraffes can't swim
  12. Did you know the cheetah is the only cat that can't retract it's claws
  13. Did you know roosters can't crow if they can't fully extend their necks
  14. Did you know emus can't walk backwards
  15. Did you know snakes can't blink
  16. Did you know snakes can't bite in rivers or swamps (they would drown otherwise)
  17. Did you know gorillas can't swim
  18. Did you know giraffes can't cough
  19. Did you know you can't tickle yourself
  20. Did you knowyou can't trademark surnames
  21. Did you knowlion's can't roar until the age of 2

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