1. Did you know the first Burger King was opened in Florida Miami in 1954
  2. Did you know in 1878 the first telephone book made contained only 50 names
  3. Did you know Coca Cola launched its 3rd product Sprite in 1961
  4. Did you know instant coffee was invented in 1901
  5. Did you know the naming of tropical storms and hurricanes officially began in 1953
  6. Did you know Madonna and Michael Jackson were both born in 1958
  7. Did you know Halley's comet passes the Earth every 76 years (the next time it will return will be 2062)
  8. Did you know the Olympic flag was designed in 1913
  9. Did you know the electric toothbrush was invented in 1939
  10. Did you know the doorbell was invented in 1831
  11. Did you know The first English dictionary was written in 1755
  12. Did you know the tea bag was invented in 1908
  13. Did you know plastic bottles were first used for soft drinks in 1970
  14. Did you know the $ sign was introduced in 1788
  15. Did you know the term 'disc jockey' was first used in 1937
  16. Did you know volleyball was invented in 1895
  17. Did you know Hawaii officially became apart of the US in 1900
  18. Did you know New York's Central Park was opened in 1876
  19. Did you know the first rugby club was formed in 1843
  20. Did you know New Zealands first hospital was opened in 1843
  21. Did you know the first metered taxi was introduced in 1907
  22. Did you know the Chinese used fingerprints as a method of identification as far back as AD 700
  23. Did you know the revolving door was invented in 1888
  24. Did you know cars were first started with ignition keys in 1949
  25. Did you know the lie detector was invented in 1921
  26. Did you know the drinking straw was invented in 1886
  27. Did you know the last Play Boy centerfold to have staples was published in 1985
  28. Did you know artificial Christmas trees have outsold real ones every year since 1991
  29. Did you know Diet Coke was introduced in 1982
  30. Did you know Iceland was the first country to legalise abortion in 1935
  31. Did you know originally in 1886 Coca Cola was introduced as an 'intellectual beverage' to boost brain power
  32. Did you know the frozen foods were first introduced in the 1920.
  33. Did you know the first parachute jump from plane was in 1918 over France
  34. Did you know the dollar values on the board game Monopoly have been the same since 1935
  35. Did you know the first paperback book was printed by Penguin Publishing in 1935
  36. Did you know before 1863 the postal service in the US was free
  37. Did you know the first taxi service began in New York in 1907
  38. Did you know Pez was invented in 1927
  39. Did you know the elevator was invented in 1850
  40. Did you know the first toothbrush was invented in 1498
  41. Did you know before 1850 golf balls were made of leather and were stuffed with feathers
  42. Did you know the first crossword puzzle appeared in 1913
  43. Did you know the ice cream cone was introduced in 1904
  44. Did you know the first city to mint its own gold coins was Florence, Italy in 1252
  45. Did you know the first aluminum drink can was introduced in 1964
  46. Did you know the first drug that was sold as a water soluble tablet was aspirin in 1900
  47. Did you know women were not allowed to vote in France until 1944
  48. Did you know the world's first paved streets were laid in Rome in 170 B.C.
  49. Did you know the game of Tug-of-war was an Olympic sport from 1900-1920
  50. Did you know John Cadbury founded the Cadbury chocolate company in England in 1842 producing the first chocolate bars
  51. Did you know Franklin Mars invented the Snickers Bar in 1930
  52. Did you know the first ground vacuum packed coffee was first introduced in 1900
  53. Did you know between 1931 and 1969 Walt Disney was awarded 35 Oscars
  54. Did you know Disneyland opened in 1955
  55. Did you know the 1st full length animated film was released by Disney Studios in 1937 (it was Snow White and the seven dwarfs)
  56. Did you know the hamburger was invented in 1900
  57. Did you know the hottest chile in the world is the habanero
  58. Did you know Hawaii officially became apart of the US on June 14 1900
  59. Did you know the dollar was established as the official currency of the US in 1785
  60. Did you know the supersonic Concorde jet made its first trial flight on January 1st 1969
  61. Did you know in 1872 Yellowstone in the US was the world's first national park
  62. Did you know in 1900 the average life span in the US was 47
  63. Did you know the first credit card was a Diner's Club card issued in 1950
  64. Did you know the world's first roller coaster opened in 1884 at Coney Island New York
  65. Did you know instant mashed potatoes (dehydrated potato flakes) were invented in Canadian in 1962
  66. Did you know the corkscrew was invented in 1890
  67. Did you know the winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze over completely
  68. Did you know the typewriter was invented in 1829
  69. Did you know the dishwasher was invented in 1889
  70. Did you know the wristwatch was invented in 1904

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